Sat, Feb


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The Philippine-Macau Province, celebrated its 21st Provincial Assembly under the theme of Koinonia—Communion of Communities, coinciding with the theme of the Year of the Parish. The assembly was held at the Makati Central Community on June 19-20, 2017, with Alberione Hall as venue.


The first order of the day was the annual medical check-up of all members done by the Medicus Diagnostic Center.

The assembly started at 8 AM, with Provincial Superior Fr. Jose Aripio acting as President, and Provincial Vicar Fr. Joseph Javillo as Moderator. The participants were handed three documents: Iter Formationis of the Philippine-Macau Province, Apostolic Project 2015-2019, and Handbook for Pauline Formators. Each one also received a black jacket embroided with the logo ST PAULS—Blessing Lives.

Fr. Aripio, in his welcome remarks, recognized the presence of members by communities and gave a short reflection on the theme of Koinonia. The annual assembly, he said, is not just a mandate for the Provincial Council but a celebration of the communion of the members, a time to be together. He recalled the words of Pope Francis: to encourage one another, to laugh and cry with one another, to give hope to each other in moment of discouragement.

Then began a series of reports. Bro. Hansel Mapayo, Director General of the Apostolate, gave an overview of the apostolic works of the Province contained in Apostolic Project 2015-2019. This document was approved by the General Government after it had been reviewed by the Comitato Technico Internazionale per l’Apostolato (CTIA) of which he is also a member. The challenges for the Province, according to him, are: 1) to prepare St. Paul Seminary to be a communication school for seminarians and lay students, 2) to strengthen the Macau Mission, 3) to evaluate the mechanisms of the bookstores and the Diffusion sector,  and 4) to establish Net Radio under the Creative sector.

Next to report was Fr. Cris Robert Cellan, Director of Finance and Administration. He shared, among other things, business strategies the Apostolate is undertaking: expansion, analytically based product mix, model outlets, and aggressive marketing. He also presented the performance of the bookstores and outlets of ST PAULS products.

Fr. Cellan’s report was given details by the report of the Provincial Bursar, Fr. Ludovico Tacdoro, when the session resumed in the afternoon. Financial figures of the different sectors of the Province were presented, especially those of the SSP communities, the Marketing and Diffusion sectors of the Apostolate, and of the St. Paul Seminary Foundation, Inc. which covers the entire Formation sector.

At 6 PM, a Thanksgiving Mass was celebrated at the St. Paul Sanctuary. The main presider, Fr. Ramon Manalo from Macau, was joined at the altar by Provincial Superior and his Council. In his homily, Fr. Manalo pointed to the growth especially in number of young members as a grace to thank God for. His long missionary experience in Macau teaches that one must exercise humility, patience, and trust in the Lord.

The community then gathered for supper at the refectory. Afterwards many went to the Mall of Asia in Pasay City for a game of bowling.


The community gathered for breakfast and then proceeded to the assembly hall for the continuation of the various reports.

The first to report was Fr. Raymond Ferraris, the General Coordinator of Formation. Referring to Handbook for Pauline Formators and Iter Formationis, Fr. Ferraris shared the state and activities in the different stages of Formation, from Vocation Promotions to Perpetual Profession. Focus was given to the running of St. Paul Seminary and the participants followed with great interest the discussion over it after the report.

After the report on Formation, Fr. Gil Alinsangan, Provincial Delegate to the Aggregated Institutes, informed the members of growth and development in the different consecrated secular institutes. The Institute of the Holy Family (ISF) is increasing in number, with “chapters” not only in Manila but also in Cebu, Bohol, and Davao. Meanwhile, the Institute of Our Lady of the Annunciation (IMSA) has started the construction of the new IMSA Formation Center in Pasay City. There has been no progress with the Institute of St. Gabriel the Archangel and the Institute of Jesus Priest. Directed by Fr. Alinsangan, both ISF and IMSA publish their news bulletin: IFS Online and Responses.

There followed the reports of the different communities done by the Local Superiors or Delegates, touching on the members and their assignments, their works in vocation promotion, and their community life. In the open fora, the members shared the challenges touching on renovation of the house and other buildings, financial support for medical needs of members, and the augmentation in number of some communities.

The last reporting was done by the Provincial Superior Fr. Jose Aripio. He based himself from the Final Document of the Seventh Provincial Chapter for Programming 2015-2019. With two years remaining in his mandate, Fr. Aripio referred to the Priorities and Guidelines of the 7th Provincial Chapter, enumerating what has been done and what are left to be accomplished. He then thanked all the members for their interest and patience in listening to the various reports on the state of the SSP Province. Then he announced the assembly closed.

The closing Mass was held at 6 PM, with Fr. Aripio as main presider and homilist. He was joined at the altar by the members of the Provincial Council.  Joining the community were the new Novices from Pampanga and some friends. Also invited were “awardees” who would receive their Certificate of Appreciation for their great help especially in the Bible Ministry of the Province. During this homily, Fr. Aripio thanked everyone for making the assembly a success and presented the challenge of Koinonia: to be communities of communion.

Thanksgiving dinner was held at the Alberione Hall where entertainment was provided by Josh Espinosa and Emil Quejada. After dinner, the community tarried for the Videoke contest, won by Cleric Anthony John Javier.
