Sat, Feb


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[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder joomgallery/2017/fil-mac/20170429-fil-diaconate is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

The Society of St. Paul, Philippine-Macau Province, has been blessed by God with two new deacons: Rev. Dindo D. Purto and Rev. Reymel J. Ramos. They were ordained in the morning of April 29 by Msgr. Broderick Pabillo, auxiliary bishop of Manila, in a concelebrated Mass participated by a large number of SSP priests, priests-friends, and priests-classmates at San Carlos Graduate School of Theology. Present at the moving ceremony were their parents and relatives from Cotabato and Antique, their home provinces. Also attending were delegations from the Pauline Family: Daughters of St. Paul, Pious Disciples of the Divine Master, Pastorelle Sisters, the Institute of Our Lady of the Annunciation, and the Institute of the Holy Family.

In his homily, Bishop Pabillo shared that diaconia is a service to God in the Eucharistic celebration as well as to God’s people, especially the poor.

The First Reading of the day from the Acts of the Apostles happilly coincided with the ceremony: the choice of deacons by the early Christian community to “serve at table” while the Apostles devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of the word. Bishop Pabillo reminded them to nurture their prayer life so that they would be faithful to their ministry.

After communion, the message of the Superior General, Don Jose Valdir de Castro, was read by the Provincial Secretary, Fr. Khris Llacer. Don Valdir wished that the two deacons serve all Paulines, with communication and in communication; that they live, having at heart the person who has in need of discovering that life is a great gift, and that the greatest gift is to savor one’s relationship with Christ. He also greeted those who participated in the Eucharist: Bishop Broderick Pabillo, the Provincial Superior Fr. Jose Aripio, the Pauline confreres, the members of the Pauline Family, and their family members, and friends.

After the Mass, those present gathered at the Alberione Hall for lunch. Because of the hot weather, it was a comfort to transfer from the sanctuary to the cooler hall while partaking of the agape and exhanging hearty conversations.
