Mon, Jan

The members live the spirituality of the Pauline Family solidly grounded on the Eucharist and the Word of God and cultivate a particular devotion to the person of Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life, to Mary Queen of Apostles and to Saint Paul the Apostle.

They dedicate themselves in the work of evangelization as secular clergy (for Jesus Priest) or as lay persons. The lay members, living their consecration incognito in the world, act like "salt", "light" and "leaven" in their home, parish, place of work and other places they find themselves in. They also participate, according to their possibilities, in the other apostolic activities of the other Institutions of the Pauline Family.

They are encouraged to be part of the evangelizing activities of the Society of St. Paul and to be leaven in the culture of communication of today.



Agenda Paolina

January 20, 2025

Feria (verde)
S. Fabiano, papa e martire
S. Sebastiano, martire
Eb 5,1-10; Sal 109; Mc 2,18-22

January 20, 2025

* FSP: 1946 a Messina (Italia).

January 20, 2025

SSP: Fr. Cirilo Peñas (2001) - D. Humberto Aguilar (2001) - Fr. Pablo Uriarte (2017) • FSP: Sr. Teresa María Hernández (1977) - Sr. Assunta Moyano (1978) - Sr. Panacea Bragliola (1993) - Sr. M. Edilma Franco Quitian (1999) - Sr. Redenta Vannini (2023) - Sr. Assunta Menegat (2024) • PD: Sr. M. Giuditta Benzo (1972) • SJBP: Sr. Claudia Piemonte (2021) • IMSA: Morena Landini (2015) • ISF: Italo Celano (2023).


January 20, 2025

Gesù è venuto, si è fatto uomo ed ha segnato la strada con le sue orme divine. L’ha fatto specialmente nella sua vita comune dove fece tutte le cose più umili e semplici per dirci: La vita più semplice e sicura è la vita comune, umile e ritirata, è la santificazione delle opere quotidiane (FSP30*, 64).

January 20, 2025

Jesús vino, se hizo hombre y marcó el camino con sus huellas divinas. Lo hizo especialmente en su vida común, donde hizo todas las cosas más humildes y sencillas para decirnos: La vida más sencilla y segura es la vida común, humilde y retirada, es la santificación de los trabajos diarios (FSP30*, 64).

January 20, 2025

Jesus came, became man and marked the path with his divine footsteps. He did it especially in his common life where he did all the most humble and simple things in order to tell us: The simplest and safest life is the common life, humble and withdrawn, it is the sanctification of daily works (FSP30*, 64).