Sat, Feb

The St. Paul National Bible Quiz (SPNBQ) managed by the St. Paul Bible Ministry (SPBM) reached its height in terms of number of participating schools in its 10th edition in 2019. But the COVID-19 Pandemic made it impossible to hold the contest nationwide. Nonetheless, the Bible Quiz continued to reach out to young Bible enthusiasts through streamlined programs likes the Shabbat edition and Faith or Fake contests. In September 2023, it held its limited edition participated by Youngster Magazine subscribers during the Manila International Bookfair.

The SPNBQ is resuming its national coverage through streamlined contests using the online program developed by Asia Pacific College (APC) under the leadership of Mr. Jojo Castillo. In the morning of August 22, 2024, the SPBM Team launched the Elimination Round of the 11th edition at the nerve center of APC. There were 212 schools that participated, comprising 318 teams. The contest with 70 questions was in the form of Multiple Choice, with one point for each correct answer. Winners with the highest scores qualified to enter the Regional Round, following the form of the Elimination Round, but with 40 questions, some in form of True or False. This took place on August 29, with the qualifiers joining the Youngster subscribers school. At the close of the contest, 14 schools with the highest scores, including one from Youngster subscribers, were declared finalists. These schools will vie for the Championship Round to be held on September 14, 2024 at SMX Convention Center, SM Mall of Asia, during the Manila International Bookfair. This time, it will be a face-to-face contest. The traditional rounds with 10 questions each will be followed: Easy (1 point), Average (2 points), and Difficult (3 points). Prizes in cash and kind also await the winners.